Life in France

A not every day story of normal people trying to live their dream in France starting at the beginning and ending?

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Contracts and Legalese

Does time slow down or go into reverse when you are waiting for something to happen? It certainly felt like it as we waited for the draft contract to arrive from the notaire (lawyer) in France. It finally arrived after months of waiting and when it did, oh my god it might as well have been written in Outer Mongolian ( no offence to outer Mongolians) but i can understand their language as well as i could understand this contract. Absolute gibberish, i thought it was some sort of French but, not as we know it Jim! Turns out it was written in Napoleonic Legalese French. Its a conspiracy to keep lawyers in work.

I even asked a French guy at work to help, he managed about 25% of the work then gave a gallic shrug and a you're on your own now! arrggghh help, had to get the help of a French speaking English lawyer and a web translating service (which was far more use). All is not well, the owners want to retain the right of access to any part of the land at any time!!! errr i don't think so. Many faxes later and we got that one sorted. Got next draft and signed it agreed it stamped it and paid the 10% deposit (non-refundable) that's it then, we are now the owners of a French farmhouse. Subject to the paperwork from the geometre ( surveyor) all being hunky dory about the new land boundaries. Date set for big official signing in March.

Our house in UK, err still not sold but one chap been back twice so holding breath and hoping he comes back again.

Yeehah we've got a house in France (subject to land agents, surveyors, French jobsworths etc etc)


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