Life in France

A not every day story of normal people trying to live their dream in France starting at the beginning and ending?

Monday, December 20, 2004

Water Everywhere

At last back online after three days of awful weather. Strong winds and torrential rain have left there mark around the area. The well that is inside of the house threatened to overflow and flood the house so I rigged up a pump and began to pump it out when it got half way down I figured that would be enough. Ha ha ha was I wrong! Went to bed and when I got up next morning and checked it, it was full again so the cycle was repeated. So far I have done this three times and have now fitted a syphon to it so that when it gets to a certain height it automatically starts to drain out! The cellar looks like a demented fireman has been in there with his hosepipe there is water everywhere. The back of the house is built on rock and at the moment it is very wet rock with a couple of small streams of water filtering from them. The second cellar has a stream running through it about 3" deep? It comes in at one corner from the rock and goes out of a drain in the other. Wonderful eh? The name of the house in the local dialect means the place of water and now I can see why. It is everywhere and now that the rain and wind have gone at least for the time being, the forecast is for frost and temperatures of -12°C. oh isn't it fun in paradise?


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