Life in France

A not every day story of normal people trying to live their dream in France starting at the beginning and ending?

Friday, July 29, 2005


At last at last it is raining!!!! After nearly 6 weeks of sunshine and temperatures up in the high 30's in the shade the clouds have finally got together to drop some rain! A little thunderstorm to start with spectacular lightning and then perhaps an hour of rain. Better than nothing and boy do we need it. The grass in the fields has gone a brown colour and we are struggling to find fresh shoots for the horses. Hopefully what little rain we had will encourage the grass and flowers to green up a bit and in 15 days we can go mushroom hunting! I am sure that the sun will be back tomorrow so excuse me while i go and dance naked around the old walnut tree muttering strange incantations to try and make it rain a little more before then. The sun has fried my brain i think, assuming that i had one in the first place!!!!


  • At 9:22 pm, Blogger R J Adams said…

    Given that you intend to dance naked round the walnut tree, and the French eat anything they shoot, it's probably a good thing those new regulations you wrote of came into force when they did.


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