Life in France

A not every day story of normal people trying to live their dream in France starting at the beginning and ending?

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Judge, Jury, Executioner

The cat has been at it again, she is a little horror sometimes. We had two sets of birds nesting in the barn, Swallows and Redstarts, I say had as they are no longer there thanks to the cat. The Swallows went first, she seems to have jumped from the cement mixer and somehow knocked the nest down and killed three of the fledglings. I managed to rescue the other two and put them into another nest beside the old one which the parents accepted. Cat got one of them but one managed to survive and has now flown. Bored with this the cat turned her attentions to the redstarts nest and i have no idea how she managed to reach it but she has and has destroyed it totally. We only got to know this as she ran into the house with a chick in her mouth and proceeded to kill it in front of me and eat it!

Checking out the barn i could see the damage and the chewed remains of three other chicks on the ground with the parent birds flying around outside chattering and diving at the doorway.
I think they are going to be a little unhappy, the cat meanwhile has positioned herself on top of the barn door lying in wait for them to try and fly into the barn. I have chased her off numerous times but somehow she always manages to sneak back.

I suppose this is nature but i wish she would do the killing outside of the house!


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