Life in France

A not every day story of normal people trying to live their dream in France starting at the beginning and ending?

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Self sufficiency

Well, the cheese hasn't gone bad and i am assured by those in the know that that is how it should smell!! I remain unconvinced, but after smelling some of the local cheese these are pure perfume! Luscious is ever busy on her return home each day from work building up our stocks of homemade preserves from all the fruit that abounds at the moment. Apricots, white peaches, pear chutneys, raspberry and nectarines. 5kg of apricots for the princely sum of 4 euros!!! manna from heaven i say. I am left to look after the alcohol making side of things, the rocket fuel is macerating nicely in the barn and hasn't as yet melted off the seals so all being well i should have the first tasting session at the end of the month! Have also set on its way some blackberry scnapps and raspberry scnapps ready for tasting in October so all things being equal november should be a good month for drinking! Evidently the next set of rocket fuel should be started in october with the pear harvest so i shall go and buy some more 90° pure alchohol to be sure to be ready.

In the meantime i shall have to continue working on the walls in the bedroom as guests arrive for two nights in a fortnight and i need them done.

suns back out, its getting warmer again after a few cool days (26°c) and it is the season of fetes so lots of excuses to get out on the bikes at the weekend.....heaven!


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