The guests have arrived and are ensconced in their new room all very nice and cosy with the oil filled radiator to keep them warm. The "new" radiator arrived on the Tuesday and we finally fitted it on Friday much to the delight of the guests. The room is now lovely and warm and we can at last turn on the central heating for the upstairs. We still have a problem with the underfloor heating downstairs but at least now i know what the problem is. The original plumber failed to install 4,yes 4 non return valves which are sort of important to make the system work corectly. I went to buy them at the same time as i collected the radiator and surprise surprise i have to wait quinze jour. Maybe this winter will be the one that we finally have underfloor heating as well. Now won't that be a luxury? The guests departed today announcing themselves to be very pleased with their stay and look forward to returning next year. Meanwhile i am going to retire and make a cup of tea and cut a slice of coconut cake, homemade of course as i have earned it........cheers
At 9:36 am,
Anonymous said…
Great job, AP! That radiator looks to be perfectly level - probably because the bottle on the shelf above is still full!
Now you can sit back and enjoy a wonderful Christmas. Can't you?
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