No more cherries

With the colder weather has also come strong winds and electrical storms. Isn't it amazing what spetacular shows nature can put on? Unfortunately one of the cherry trees won't agree with you as it has been snapped like a matchstick by the strong winds. It is a great shame because it produced some absolutely scrumptious, juicy cherries that were just wonderful to eat straight from the tree. Alas, it is no more. Just a forlorn stump remains, what a shame. Perhaps next spring we will plant a couple of new cherry trees so that in three years or so we will have cherries again.
The house continues to develop and the good news is that i can get up off my knees for a while as the lounge/dining area tiling is now completely finished. That is 49sq. metres all done...yeehah off to open a bottle of homemade wine to celebrate. I now only have another 38sq. metres to finish in the kitchen and entrance hall and the downstairs tiling is complete.. only another 38sq. metres oh my aching knees.....

At 7:07 am,
Anonymous said…
What a shame about your cherry tree, it's not quite the same buying cherries from the supermarket though is it.
Your temperatures are still high, or at least too high for me. Here it's around 20 C in the day and 14 C during the night. Now that, I can handle. I swear I'd be happy living in much cooler climates.
Take care
At 3:40 pm,
Ally said…
I agree with Mandy, that still sounds to hot! Did you have to net the cherry tree to stop the birds getting to it first? We are contemplating planting one up the front of the house and I have been told that that is the only way to actually get any fruit off it.
At 12:40 pm,
the peasant said…
mandy; supermarket cherries don't even come close. There is nohing like picking fruit and eating straight away!
ally: No need to net the cherries it seems that we had more than enough to go around. Not sure we will be able to say the same about the raspberries though. I think we may have to take some action on those to make sure we get some.
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