At last i have finished with the dreaded scafolding. It has been an experience i do not want to repeat in a hurry. I prefer to keep my feet on the ground and with this in mind my next job is to lay the new chestnut flooring in the biggest bedroom. A complex job as the wood is cut in the traditional way to maximise the wood usage from the tree. This means that although the lengths are more or less the same give or take 6 or 7 cms they are widely different in width so it is a bit like putting a jigsaw puzzle together to make sure that i arrive at the far wall with the right pieces! Oh what fun eh? At this rate we will be in danger of having two rooms ready for rent this year, now that would be a welcome source of revenue as the restuarant luscious works at have indicated that they may lay her off for three months as business is not good at this time of year. They think she would be entitled to 80% of her salary for the three months paid by the state so if that is true it is not all gloom. Meanwhile i sit here with umpteen layers of clothes on and a woolly hat as i feel awful, sweating hot then shivering cold, there must be a form of alcoholic remedy as the pills are just yeeeaargh! off to try and eat a bowl homemade tomato soup, certainly know how to live the high life here......

At 12:02 pm,
Anonymous said…
Well, thank God you've finished with the scaffolding - I can stop holding my breath now!
Hmmmm! Sounds like the 'flu. I recommend thyme-leaf tea with honey (tbs), ginger (a pinch), molasses (tsp), lemon juice (tbs) and a goodly dash (at least 2 tbs)of Captain Morgan's best......Mmmmmm! Wonderful!
I think I feel a sneeze coming on.
Get well soon.
At 10:17 am,
Ally said…
I dose myself with something similar, but with whisky instead of brandy. Hope you feel better soon.
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