Life in France

A not every day story of normal people trying to live their dream in France starting at the beginning and ending?

Friday, August 26, 2005

Dusty Brass

The social season is in full swing at the moment, fetes and free drinks everywhere! I have discovered after a conversation today that at the fete last sunday i was asked to play in a local sort of brass band! Seems i said yes it would be a great idea! I DID? oooo errrrr. Now they want to arrange to pick me up on a friday to go to the practise sessions which by the way finish off by going down to the local bar for a beer. Not sure how we got around to talking about bands but they know that i play the cornet au piston and are looking for players! perhaps when they hear me play they will change their minds! I did play in a brass band in england but the music here is shall we say errr different! Ahh well, thinks it might be a good idea though, you don't get paid but at the fetes you play at you get free food AND wine, sounds like a good deal to me so i am off to blow out the dust from my cornet and see what i can do. At least there are no people around here that can hear me, just the sheep and the cows so maybe i can start a stampede? I wonder if they know" d'ya ken john peel" and other english airs?


  • At 3:12 am, Blogger the peasant said…

    Believe me you wouldn't want to see a picture of me, it would frighten the most hardened readers!
    forgot to say for my birthday i was given a box of handmade SOFT centred gooey yummy dark chocolates. How's Toffee?.....

  • At 9:51 am, Blogger R J Adams said…

    The only cornet I'm familiar with has a big dollop of ice cream on top.
    MORE free wine and food! I'm surprised you have breathe left for the cornet.


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