Up to my elbows in Sh*t!
When we started to do the work on the house we decided that we would be as eco-friendly as possible. To this end we have built reed beds to recycle all the waste water from the house and installed a special toilet system that recycles the waste and turns it into compost for the garden that is safe to handle. For over a year now the toilet system has been working perfectly and the resultant compost has grown some excellent tomatoes, beans, peppers and aubergines! This has all stopped today as the system has suffered a water overload! I'm not sure how much the guests have been drinking but judging by the output of Pee it is a lot. The toilet system uses a mixture of peat and wood shavings which i add every two or three days. At the moment it looks like a liquid sludge instead of compost and i am having to scrape out the unit to clean the filters as they have become blocked. This involves putting on a pair of fetching blue extra long marigolds (gloves) getting my hands inside the chamber and scooping out the sludge. I've not had so much fun in a longtime. My only cheering thought as i dip my hands in again to move all this sh*t is that at least i am making money whilst doing it! As the saying goes, Where there's muck there's money, the other one is; I'm always in the sh*t, it's just the depth that varies! Hopefully it won't go pass the elbows as the gloves end there!
Hey ho back we go, shovelling sh*t.........
Hey ho back we go, shovelling sh*t.........
At 6:57 pm,
R J Adams said…
It's good to see you're prepared to suffer for environmental principles. Me, I leave it to the local sewage works. Though judging by the pong that drifts across our garden in the heat of summer I'm not sure they do a very good job. But then, what do we expect - it's an American sewage works!
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