Such lovely weather during the day yesterday up at a mere 18°c so not bad for mid november. However, the evenings are getting to be just a little cooler. I even had to light the fire! Last night was a cool -2°c and today so far the temperature has struggled to make a measly 2.4°c so any idea of doing the wall outside is right outof the window! You know it is getting colder beacause even the cat comes back inside during the night and doesn't move until about 7am, normally she wants to be out early...2/3am! The forecast is to get colder at night and maybe even some snow on friday... NOVEMBER.....not normal for here!!! Must rush now to dig out the thermal longjohns and ear muffs and the medicinal warming brandy and firewater just in case of course.
toodle pip
toodle pip
At 4:25 am,
Ally said…
Am I right in thinking you are not too far from Auxerre? It does sound cold for the time of year - but is much colder here. Our cats are protesting about going out at all and keep sitting in front of the unlit fire, staring at me meaningfully :).
See what you mean about your wall :/.
At 2:42 am,
the peasant said…
ally: We rae much further south than Auxerre. Down past Clermont-feraund. Millau is about 60km away. That's where the new viaduct is (worlds highest,longest) We are about a 11hr drive from Caen or Le Havre!
Know what you mean about the cats. She is now sat in her basket right by the fire looking at it then at me as if asking me to light it!!
Wall will be very nice WHEN it is rebuilt with some alpine plants growing out of it..shame i didn't get the tulips etc in before the sub zero hit us....
At 3:43 pm,
Ally said…
Ah, I will have another go on a different mapping site :).
I have finally lit the fire - if cat-looks could kill, I'd be dead.
At 2:28 am,
the peasant said…
ally: Icing sugar sprinkle of snow at the moment. forecast to get more tomorrow. still a bit cool though. Cat now asleep in basket right by the fire. It is showing 350° on the top of it so how can she sleep so close to it?
mandy: driving in snow good fun, lots of tail sliding and sideways around corners. just got to watch out for tractors coming the other way!
At 2:48 am,
the peasant said…
Alexa: thank you for your kind comments. Toulouse is about 2hrs away and Albi is 1hr with the Toulouse Lautrec musuem and a beautiful cathedral. It is a dream living here and we wouldn't change it for the world. cheers.
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