To The Woods
To the woods we go, we are playing lumberjacks as we need logs for the winter fire! Our store is empty so....dressed in suspenders and a bra, (Monty Python) funny gear to chop trees but it worked for them! Anyway suitably attired and with chainsaws at the ready we began, cutting the trees down is the easy part! dragging them out of the wood which is on a steep hillside is bloody hard work especially when the suspenders keep digging into your thighs, and it plays hell with the stockings and high heels as well!
It would appear that we also disturbed a red squirrel, i am not sure if he was asleep in a tree we cut down or just not happy we were there but he was NOT a happy squirrel. He or maybe it was a she? Ran up and down the trees and kept running towards us and making chattering noises at the same time. Obviously we were not getting the right message as it ran down a tree i was about to cut and tried to bite my finger!!! Good job i was wearing gloves. At this we decided to retire a safe distance and cut trees somewhere else, perhaps it thought it was being invaded by aliens or was it the sparkly top i was wearing to compliment the short mini dress? It continued to watch us for a while then with a flick of its tail turned and ran off along the higher branches of a tall tree.
End result lots of logs cut for the fire, well, enough to last at least a fortnight maybe. All split by the axe and stacked very neatly in the barn. Out again next week so i will dress a little differently next time and keep a look out for a mad squirrel as next time it might be after more than my finger!!!
Tonight i am tasting the walnut rocket fuel...... bloody marvellous especially with chocolate eclair.... burp.....
It would appear that we also disturbed a red squirrel, i am not sure if he was asleep in a tree we cut down or just not happy we were there but he was NOT a happy squirrel. He or maybe it was a she? Ran up and down the trees and kept running towards us and making chattering noises at the same time. Obviously we were not getting the right message as it ran down a tree i was about to cut and tried to bite my finger!!! Good job i was wearing gloves. At this we decided to retire a safe distance and cut trees somewhere else, perhaps it thought it was being invaded by aliens or was it the sparkly top i was wearing to compliment the short mini dress? It continued to watch us for a while then with a flick of its tail turned and ran off along the higher branches of a tall tree.
End result lots of logs cut for the fire, well, enough to last at least a fortnight maybe. All split by the axe and stacked very neatly in the barn. Out again next week so i will dress a little differently next time and keep a look out for a mad squirrel as next time it might be after more than my finger!!!
Tonight i am tasting the walnut rocket fuel...... bloody marvellous especially with chocolate eclair.... burp.....
At 2:41 pm,
Timorous Beastie said…
Gosh, log fires, walnut booze? Sounds lovely.
At 3:00 pm,
the peasant said…
Thanks for your comment, your always welcome to visit; maybe i can swop, i have never been to Japan!
At 6:47 pm,
R J Adams said…
I can just see the headline: "Maniac with Chainsaw Foiled by Rabid Squirrel."
Have one for me - a walnut rocket fuel, not a chocolate eclair.
At 1:35 am,
Martin Stickland said…
Monty Python! Love it; it was a red squirrel and not a Norwegian Blue that tried to bite your finger I take it?
Your life style sounds Idyllic!
At 3:08 am,
the peasant said…
R.J; How about " manic squirrel with chainsaw chases rabid human"?
Walnut liquer went down a treat, warms places other drinks can't reach!
Mandy; After too much walnut rocket fuel i might just see a gang of squirrels carying axes! or is that pink elephants?
Martin; Nooo the norwegian blue was definately deceased, an ex parrot. This squirrel had not read the rules of engagement and didn't slap my face with a glove first shouting "you bounder, take that"
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