After a hard week at work and having finished the plastering it was a day off for the peasant and lushcious and off we went to the carnival at Gaillac. It was a sort of day off as i was playing in the band at the carnival!! It was a good day out and after parading around for a couple of hours we were rewarded with a couple of free drinks so not so bad eh? Time to get home have a cup of tea and then back out again as we had been invited out to our neighbours birthday bash at a local auberge!! Got back home just gone 1am so a wonderful day off. Woke up this morning to howling winds and driving snow. I just can't make this weather out, yesterday was 18° and today is hovering around freezing! I reckon the badger we startled on the road near the house as we came last night/morning was muttering just the same thing. He went out in reasonable weather and must have gone home in the snow as i saw his tracks going back past the house this morning! Turned out nice then dear, enjoy your walk? not much fun in the snow when your belly drags on the ground. Perhaps i should try and stay upright in future?
At 5:46 pm,
R J Adams said…
Nice one, AP. Did you borrow the blue and white dress from Luscious? Love the blonde curls!
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