A New Year

So, that was it then another year gone and we have now been here three whole years and still the house is not finished as i would like. Granted we had to spend the first year sat on our hands twiddling our thumbs while the french paperwork squad did their thing and forbade us to do ANY work on the house on pain of refusal of our grant applications!! Then we lost another six months while we found another builder as the first one had lost interest and gone away!!
I suppose if we look at what we started with and what we then did to it which was basically pull it to bits leaving only the outer 4 walls standing we have actually come a long way. At least we can now live in the house and we have fresh spring water instead of brackish slush, we can shower without the smell of cow urine coming from the water and we have a ecological toilet system instead of the toilet waste just washing out into the field. We have heating from the solaire system and the boiler and we have a sort of kitchen with a beautiful AGA. So, things are coming along.
This will be the year that we finally see the house finished and ready for an influx of paying guests. The web site is under way and will i hope be ready for launch end of january and we have already received enquiries from people wanting to come and stay and pay us money for the privelage!
This is going to be another wonderful year in this small part of the world and we hope that whatever you wished for this year will come true for you.
We are exceptionally lucky in that we are already living our dream.
Happy new year.
(The picture is the view from the lounge taken in November)

At 12:16 pm,
Ally said…
Oh my goodness, I didn't realise that you were working towards a guest house! Definitely point me towards the website when you get it up and running ... we are just discussing what we should do this year and your photos are already making me salivate!
At 7:17 pm,
R J Adams said…
.....and a VERY merry and prosperous New Year to you, AP.
At 11:41 am,
the peasant said…
Ally: Special bib on its way to catch saliva. Would hate you to ruin clothes!!!! More pictures to come just to keep your appetite whetted!
R.J. cheers!!! now off to check euro lottery....
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