
So, what have i been up to?.... not much i suppose, the bedroom is all painted and we are still waiting for the new flooring to arrive but apart from that it is all done. At least i can see real progress. Last weekend i did a flying visit back to the Uk. Left here Saturday morning at 6am and was back home by midday Sunday completely knackered!!! Back to work on monday and plaster man has asked me if i would like to renew the contract for another month so i said what the hell.. ok.I am a working man for another month. The money is useful that's for sure. So, the fire is lit and the wine is on the table and we are going to watch a DVD called "Dear Frankie" it is an english film and seems like it will be interesting. Well, off i go, wine awaits.....

At 6:33 am,
Ally said…
Oh my. I am relaxing even as I look at the picture!
At 11:16 am,
R J Adams said…
G'arn, I reckon that bit about "My last two posts have gone into the ether never to be seen again" - is a feeble excuse. Own up, it's more like you were too knackered to write, after all that plastering!
Nice fire, though.
At 1:21 pm,
the peasant said…
Hands a glass of wanut wine to Ally to further help in relaxing.
Mandy: Nope still here waiting for you to attend to waiting as well.
R.J. peered through ether still no sign of posts but now in front of fire with wine so who cares? passes glass across...
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