Life in France

A not every day story of normal people trying to live their dream in France starting at the beginning and ending?

Sunday, March 12, 2006

This was Summer

This is a view taken from the top of the Tarn Gorge which is about 45mins drive away from the house. You can just make out the little village at the bottom. There is a lovely restuarant there and the food is wonderful. It is a protected village so no new houses can be built in it unless they are built in the traditional way. In the five years since being protected status no planning permissions have been granted which i think is a good thing. The villagers are fiercely proud of the village and its heritage and guard it's beauty and will even close the bridge off to it if they feel the tranquility is being violated by too many tourists. Now isn't that quaint?
Just thought i would post this to remind me that the sun does shine as i sit here after three days of non-stop rain, high winds and finally yesterday another 4cm of snow! The weather here in March changes from day to day, tomorrow they are forecasting sunshine and 14°c Bizarre.
Off to the bar tabac later to watch the England v France rugby so that should lead to some interesting banter. It has been agreed that if england lose i buy the beers and if france lose they will buy the beers. Going on past history of the games at the Stade then i should be buying the beers! hopefully england will produce an upset and i can safely put my money away...i hope..... Posted by Picasa


  • At 3:36 am, Blogger Ally said…

    That's a welcome reminder that the summer should arrive, eventually! T
    And thank you for the crumpets! :)

  • At 5:26 pm, Blogger R J Adams said…

    Oh, dear! 31 - 6. I bet that cost you a few bob.

  • At 4:13 am, Blogger the peasant said…

    Mandy; Bicycle!!! far too energetic, if it 'aint got an engine i don't do it anymore!
    r.j. cried into my beer!! didn't cost too much, they felt sorry for me and eneded up buying me beers!!! result!!

  • At 12:34 pm, Blogger Ally said…

    I would *love* to recipe swap, only I can't remember what I did! I am a really bad wine-record keeper. I might have it in a book somewhere, I'll have a look ... I tend to start from the book and adjust as I go along, which makes for either triumphal triumph or disasterous disaster :).

  • At 4:10 am, Blogger the peasant said…

    ally: will sort out walnut leaf wine recipe. it's a sweet ish before dinner drink and easy to make...errr...can you get leaves ok? if not will swop to walnut wine, if you can get green walnuts, failing that then its raspberry scnapps!!!!

  • At 12:59 pm, Blogger Ally said…

    I will make some enquiries re Walnut Trees :). I tried vine leaf wine one year and it was an unmitigated disaster. I am scared, but intrigued :).


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