Life in France

A not every day story of normal people trying to live their dream in France starting at the beginning and ending?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


This is the "guest "bedroom and it is almost complete!! almost that is except for a new floor and doors!! Still waiting for the flooring to arrive from the sawmill but at least it looks like a bedroom now and not a building site anymore. Have to move on to other things now as the bedroom we were using is now ready to be plastered out as well. This will then also be finished as the floor is already down. Oh.. it will need decorating of course! It just goes on and on doesn't it? Once this room is finished it is back to tiling out the kitchen and then we can have the units delivered. Now that will be a cause for celebration. Ah well until then i shall just keep plodding on.. i have just looked outside and it is a beautiful day and i can see that the grass around the house will soon be needing a rest eh? Posted by Picasa


  • At 10:15 am, Blogger Ally said…

    But spring is pretty much sprung, once the grass needs cutting! :) I gave the hedge a pre-emptive trim on Sunday and started to feel very happy indeed; it feels like it's been a *very* long winter.

  • At 1:26 pm, Blogger the peasant said…

    ally: Ahhh spring is indeed sprung..swallows are zipping about, the cuckoo has been singing since end march and the bloody grass is now so high i will need jungle kit to cut it with!

    mandy: Think you right the beams do add a certain something...maybe a sore head if you are over 6'6" tall!!

    Ride on mower... i need a big tractor, i use the term garden very losely.. it's five acres of grass on a steep hill!!!!


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