I haven't posted for ages. No reason, just lazy. Anyway this is the view of the house that i have been seeing each morning recently as i tootle off to work. That's "real" work for M. Plasterman. I bet you don't have such a good view do you? Life teeters on much as usual, the weather is just hot! 29° ish in the shade at the front of the house which is the north side and up to around 42° around the back on the southside. The cellar as ever remains at a lovely cool 15 - 20° lovely!! The horses are getting short of water as the source has dried up a little, providing just enough water to keep the vegetable garden watered so we have to fill up the watering can a few times and empty it it into the horses water trough. It has forecast a change in the weather for the weekend but this doesn't automatically mean that it will rain!! So, it is all hands to the water recycling bacs so we can use the waste water from the house to water the garden!
This eco-friendly business is all very well but can be very time consuming!!! We have eaten our first lettuces and they were delicious. We are trying out a new way of picking them suggested to us by a gardening friend. Instead of picking the whole lettuce just take off the second set of leaves from the ground from a number of plants. This means that the lettuce will continue to grow and produce new leaves. So far it seems to be working..... the cauliflowers are producing little florets and the broad beans are coming into flower....this gardening lark is real fun especially when you can eat what you have grown....... L has also made some elderflower syrup and the walnut leaf wine has been started. It just needs me in a week or so to start the pickled walnuts and vin noix and we are up and running again as true country peasants using stuff that is free..... hurrah for the bounty of the countryside i say!
At 10:10 am,
Anonymous said…
My view is Devonian, and while not as exotic as yours, I still love it. :)
Reckon your cauliflower is ahead of ours by quite a distance...
At 3:09 pm,
Anonymous said…
Beautiful views, you're very lucky. It's very hot here too, we were sat on the terrace a couple of days ago, in the shade 32 degrees and in the sun 42.. ouch. I don't mind the heat so much as long as it cools down at night, BUT it doesn't! arghh
Mandy x
At 9:40 am,
Ally said…
I'll be able to compete with your view in 9 days ... and counting ...
At 11:33 am,
Anonymous said…
I think you need to stat posting young man! lol
Mandy :=)
At 3:48 am,
the peasant said…
KW; eaten cauliflower..yummy and gooseberries,raspberries,strawberries,cherries,lettuce now waiting for courgettes and beans.....
Mandy: i know naughty me...
Ally; looking forward to seeing those welsh views..
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