To This......

It has been a busy week at "real" work, have finished cleaning off old wallpaper and washed down walls and ceilings and varnished the woodwork. Next week i learn how to put up wallpaper that should be fun shouldn't it?
The horses are back and have certainly expanded around the middle in the last two weeks with all the lush grass and dandelions that they have been eating. Stage one of the great horse project is being put into action at the start of June so that should prove interesting. It is a feasability study to see if what i want to do is 1. affordable 2. worth doing from enviromental points 3. will it earn any money or at least cover costs. I am hoping that all the answers are YES. I really want to do this.... perhaps i can fiddle the results?
On a slight down note, i saw the first couleuvre last week, that means the sun is bringing them out of hibernation. Hope they stay away from the garden area although i have a feeling we have a resident near the waterhole that the horses use which is only a few feet from the end of the garden!!! (couleuvre= snake!)

At 9:25 am,
R J Adams said…
Nice wall! You'll never be out of work, that's for sure, AP. Pity about the snakes - hope they're not the venomous variety?
We get a lot of garter snakes here in Illinois. Harmless, but still alarming if you come on one suddenly. Last year, while in France, I noticed you had some fairly horrendous-looking spiders over there, as well. To me, they're just fractionally worse than the snakes.
At 12:56 am,
Anonymous said…
Snakes... ick. What a lovely thought....
However, full marks on the wall improvement. V. nice!
At 12:07 pm,
Anonymous said…
Yikes snakes! Don't let precious near that waterhole and keep that barn door shut! or you'll have a re-run of last year. lol
What happened to that snake in the barn btw?
Oh and great job on the wall :=)
At 4:10 am,
the peasant said…
Thank you all for your kind comments about the wall. It is still standing so there is hope for it yet.
r.j; They are only grass snakes of different varieties but not keen on them all the same! Had to fish a dead one out of the water for the horses. It obviously went for a drink/swim but couldn't get out! No problem about spiders though. Cat eats them!
Mandy; no idea it went into the wall of the barn and didn't come back out, not that i have seen anyway. Perhaps it hibernated and has now departed. At least i hope it has. If luscious sees it in there there will loud screams!!!
At 4:46 am,
Ally said…
That all sounds idyllic. And I am very admirous (which is a word I made up especially) of your wall. What's the plan with the horses?
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