Well, now that the wall is safely built and still standing after a bit of soil being put behind it i suppose i had to start the steps from the terrace that will eventually lead up to another smaller terrace and sitting area. This area will give visitors a great view straight down the valley. But first i have to do the steps. As you can see the first step has already been dug out and i have prepared the boarding ready for the concrete to be mixed and poured into it. The idea is the same as for the wall in that when the steps are all completed they will be dressed with local stone or lauze with a smaller wall at the side which will again have flowers planted into it to give a bit of colour. Digging out the steps gives me the topsoil to back fill behind the wall already built so nothing goes to waste and the stones are used as hardcore base for the steps. How's that for efficient recycling of materials?
I am doing this as the weather is pretty decent and the plaster in the second bedroom is
drying out so i can't get in to finish the floor. Once the plaster is dry then it will be time to put the final finish on the reclaimed chestnut floor and make the doors, paint the walls and yeehaaa the bedroom is complete and ready for guests to come and use.
Right then, time to go and order the gravel etc that i need for the steps.......oh, we have to plant a load of vegetables that luschious has grown from seed as well so that is my day all sorted. How are your days going?
p.s. fished dead snake out of waterbowl for horses......yuk!
At 8:09 am,
Ally said…
Your busy-ness puts me to shame ... . Dead snake better than live snake? :).
At 4:47 am,
the peasant said…
busy-ness has underlying reason. We want/need people to come across and stay with us so that we can earn a little from the B&B side. Without a room finished that can't happen..sigh... Dead snake/live snake..mixed feelings ... just 'cos we not keen on them should we wish them dead? they do after all eat the slugs/mice etc. would be better if they weren't so close though!!!
At 11:03 pm,
Anonymous said…
Wow you are so busy, and seems you're mastering the DIY arts extrmemly well too!
We're busy packing right now, we're moving in a few days.. so I won't be around for a while.
Mandy :=)
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