Weeehhhh hayyyyyy we have a new baby and she is just soooooo cute! She was born around 9am saturday morning and this picture was taken as she rested from the exertions of joining the world. Mum appears to have had no problems with the kidding and all we had to do was clean up the afterbirth etc etc. She was still wet from the birth and mum had taken a rest from cleaning her up a bit. She is now 4 days old and is starting to bounce around like a spring lamb, or spring/summer goatling i suppose is more correct! Bella the mum is a really maternal thing and is always looking out for her and making sure that she is alright. Billy the male is not soo happy at the moment as when the food is put into the containers he tries to headbut the little one out of the way! Mum soon puts a stop to that though!! She is very small at the moment in fact the male cat Merlin that we saved in our fields is just bigger than the kid!! he finds her very interesting and is now to be found spending most of his time either around the goats or ontop of the goat shed!! Missy Willow the older cat suns herself ontop of the goat shed and feigns disinterest whilst casting the odd glance in the direction of the goats!
Our very first Kid...ain't she cute?
At 7:23 am,
Anonymous said…
You cleaned up the afterbirth! Mum won't thank you for that. It's usually her first good meal after birthing. Yuck! yes, I know, it's horrible! Congratulations on becoming a father - so to speak.
At 9:11 am,
Ally said…
Aw, how *incredibly* cute! This is just adding more fuel to my goat-desire ...
At 1:58 pm,
the peasant said…
rj: hmm, we were not too sure about the afterbirth but according to one book it said clean it up, another said leave it, local wisdom said remove it or leave it whatever!!! really helpful that then!! so we went for the cleaning option! Mother and kid doing well! hope you are enjoying your holiday in wales!!
Ally: Cute just doesn't do her justice, she already likes a cuddle so no fear of us.. parents are still a bit wary but now feeding from our hands so progress is being made..... when you have moved go get some goats they are just so much fun, real characters!
At 1:59 am,
Anonymous said…
Absolutely awesome and wonderful.
Feeling like a farmer now you're breeding, Peasant?
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