Life in France

A not every day story of normal people trying to live their dream in France starting at the beginning and ending?

Sunday, May 29, 2005

The Terrace cont....

The continuing saga of the Terrace. The damned thing is taking bloody ages to get sorted and finished but after my shopping therapy of Wednesday it is slowly edging closer to a sort of ending. At last the whole area is dug out and the part of the wall of the house that is going to be covered by the terrace has been rendered and waterproofed to stop the rain seeping through, that's the plan anyway. The outer shuttering boards are in place and I now just have to finish putting in place the four dividers and we are systems go.....That is after I have put back in the rocks that I dug out to provide the hardcore base for the concrete! Always is it thus, you move stuff from one place to another and then back to where it started from. Does this mean that I am not organised or is it just one of those little things that is set to always happen in life?

So plan is finish dividers today, break up rock for hardcore and sort out sand/gravel/cement for tomorrow to start mixing the concrete... About bloody time too only got four days left to finish it then it is holiday time yeee haaaaa then wedding anniversary and then the carpenter comes to put up the balcony. Another milestone in the rebuilding of Le Gouty......... Off for a cold beer as it is 40°c ( 104°f ish) out where the terrace IS going to be!!! sluurrppp


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