I Failed!!!!
Damn blast etc etc. I have failed! I wanted to get the floor sanded down and varnished as well as the bathroom floors and stairs, well I haven't made it. The floor in the bedroom and at the top of the stairs was just to dirty and has taken far longer to clean than I thought it would. Another day on it and I could have finished it but I don't have that luxury as guests arrive tomorrow afternoon. I am starting this afternoon to lay the first coat of varnish on the floors in the bathrooms and then just before I go to bed I shall do the staircase. At least then they will have one coat and it will give them a bit of protection. If I get up real early tomorrow I could possibly get the second coat done but I have to have at least 6 hours for it to dry. Maybe it's worth a go, I will see how I feel in the morning at the moment I am knackered and need putting out to grass I think...... munch ......munch.....
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