Heavenly Nectar
Now what's the old peasant rambling on about? If you have never had the nectar of flowers you don't know what you are missing. I mean HONEY, no not that rubbish you buy in shops that has been mixed, refined and then things added I mean raw, natural honey straight from the hive, give or take 10 mins! it is divine!!!!
When we bought the house we inherited 5 ancient bee hives, some with bees and some without. The hives themselves were fashioned out of hollow tree stumps! We managed to save two hives and moved them from the back door of the house to a location a little further away. Unfortunately only one hive now exists as the inhabitants of the other have decided to move out. No idea where to but I hope they are happy. Anyway today myself and a friend moved the bees into a brand new house which meant that we had to empty the old stump of the honeycomb. I have got a bucket full of comb which I have been opening to let the honey drain out. I have had to stop though as unfortunately I was stung on the back of the hand and now it has doubled in size and I can't bend my fingers. The bee has had it's revenge I think.
it is all worth it though as the honey is just ........ Oh words fail me.
truly you should all go out and find your nearest apiarist (beekeeper) and get them to take you out with them so you can taste real honey just once in your lives and then you will see what I mean, it's a taste from heaven...mmmmmmmm
When we bought the house we inherited 5 ancient bee hives, some with bees and some without. The hives themselves were fashioned out of hollow tree stumps! We managed to save two hives and moved them from the back door of the house to a location a little further away. Unfortunately only one hive now exists as the inhabitants of the other have decided to move out. No idea where to but I hope they are happy. Anyway today myself and a friend moved the bees into a brand new house which meant that we had to empty the old stump of the honeycomb. I have got a bucket full of comb which I have been opening to let the honey drain out. I have had to stop though as unfortunately I was stung on the back of the hand and now it has doubled in size and I can't bend my fingers. The bee has had it's revenge I think.
it is all worth it though as the honey is just ........ Oh words fail me.
truly you should all go out and find your nearest apiarist (beekeeper) and get them to take you out with them so you can taste real honey just once in your lives and then you will see what I mean, it's a taste from heaven...mmmmmmmm
At 4:02 pm,
Anonymous said…
Oooh that sounds marvellous. I've never tasted fresh honey *must find honey*, You lucky thing, you :)
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