Maybe, Perhaps
Hmmm, it is now Thursday and no sign of Jean luc! I know that he said this week which still leaves three days but.. Maybe.. Perhaps...Possibly I have not negotiated what I thought I had and he isn't actually coming to dig out the terrace or maybe he is but he doesn't know when or he has seen me digging out the edges and thinks that I am doing the whole thing on my own and don't need him anymore? Thinks........ Best I grab him next time I see him driving past to tend the cows! I really don't want to dig out the rest by hand as well. Although only 36m square it not a huge terrace it still amounts to a LOT of wheelbarrow fulls, roughly 6 cubic metres of soil/rock to move. No no no I definitely don't want to be doing that! Perhaps I could "borrow' some TNT/semtex or whatever they use these days from the local quarry? Now there's a thought.
in the meantime back to rough rendering the wall in the lounge so I can plaster it next week while looking out the window to try and catch jean luc. Maybe I should just take my chair and a couple of beers and sit at the roadside waiting? That sounds a much better idea.....
in the meantime back to rough rendering the wall in the lounge so I can plaster it next week while looking out the window to try and catch jean luc. Maybe I should just take my chair and a couple of beers and sit at the roadside waiting? That sounds a much better idea.....
At 7:02 pm,
dom said…
Maybe you could ring him ? , say I'm having a beer ,, come on over !
Ha !
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