JIT.... Not a foreign word but an anacronym for Just in Time and that was what I was on Friday for the guests arrival. I had finished varnishing the floors in the bathroom and the staircase and had let them dry off for 8 hours or so but I still needed to refit the "temporary" bathroom sink for them to use. Now this should be a half hour job but as usual this was not to be. The tap washers decided not to perform their correct function and stop the water from leaking out of the connections!!! After much good old Anglo Saxon word usage I finally sorted the problem by robbing the new set of taps of their washers and using plumbing hair and sealant. I had literally just finished testing them and tidying up when the guests arrived! I had to hide the screwdriver in my pocket and feign complete calm and smile as a good host should.
I have perfected the JIT principle but don't really want to try it out again... Well not for a while anyway.
I have perfected the JIT principle but don't really want to try it out again... Well not for a while anyway.
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