No Justice
Picture the scene, I'm comfortable in the house open fire blazing away and it's raining outside. When I say raining I mean RAINING it is absolutely chucking it down! I hear a plaintive meeooowww from outside and knowing that the cat is outside I jump up to let her in. No problem so far except it is cat + 1 that comes in all soggy wet. The +1 happens to be a mouse that is in her jaws and still wriggling trying to escape! Quite how she meeowed with it in her mouth I don't know anyway she drops said mouse on floor and looks at me very pleased with herself. At this point the mouse decides to make a dash for it and goes under the sofa chased by cat who thinks this is a great game! I get down on the floor and can see the mouse and so can the cat. It is not going to come out!!! No fear, it doesn't want to be a cats supper. I very slowly move the sofa and wham out he comes closely followed by a cat. I sort of rugby tackle the mouse and manage to catch it in my hand thereby saving it from the cat. Now you would think it would be grateful wouldn't you? Not a bit of it, it sinks its teeth into the fleshy part of one of my fingers and refused to let go despite me shaking my hand and swearing!! Perhaps I should have asked politely? The pain is excrutiating!! I managed to grab it with my other hand and it let go, I opened the door and put it back outside while trying to keep the cat in and stopping the blood dripping from my finger. There are now spots of blood on the floor and on my jumper. I go to the kitchen and wash my hand/finger and apply some betadine paste. OOOWWWWWWW that stung, lots....... So much for trying to help a little furry animal from being eating alive!!!
I need a brandy....Purely medicinal of course......The cat is not happy with me either. There is no justice anymore...............
I need a brandy....Purely medicinal of course......The cat is not happy with me either. There is no justice anymore...............
At 7:01 pm,
R J Adams said…
My condolences! Be liberal with the brandy. I mean, drink plenty - it dulls the pain, as well as everything else.
The only time I was bitten by a wild mouse was in the animal house of the veterinary faculty in Liverpool, where I handled hundreds of domestic rats and mice regularly. A small wild mouse got in overnight and I eventually got it cornered. I picked it up by the tip of its tail, whereupon it turned about, deftly climbed its own tail and sank its teeth into my thumb. Needless to say, I let go, and the nearest drain provided its means of escape. Nowadays I always keep at least a broom length away from them.
Thankfully, mice virtually never carry rabies, but they do have bloody sharp teeth.
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