Life in France

A not every day story of normal people trying to live their dream in France starting at the beginning and ending?

Monday, April 18, 2005


Well, after all the excitement of the mouse incident I am pleased to inform you that I am alive and well. My finger hasn't swollen to gigantic proportions and dropped off and I haven't gone down with some strange mouse related disease. At least not yet! I can only think that the brandy did the trick and killed off any nasty germ thingys that might have been lurking.
The cat has forgiven me and has presented me with a dead mole as a sign that the incident has been forgotten.
The weather is still rubbish so I have been confined to working inside the house again. Today I have finished cleaning off the flooring on the landing and have at last managed to get a coat of varnish on it. We just can't walk on it now for at least 9 hours!! Hopefully it won't still be raining when we go to bed as we have to go out of the front door, up the steps and into our bedroom from the outside! The label on the tin says that it is low odour and good for the health, well I would hate to use high odour and the smell has permeated the whole house! I half expect the AGA to ignite the fumes in the kitchen they are that bad!

I just hope that when it is dry that the end result is worth it. Perhaps I should have another brandy just to help disguise the smell? ........................


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