It's too darned hot

We have been starting at 6am and finishing at 2pm because of the heat. It really is darned warm, the temperature hasn't really dropped below 30° during the day and yesterday it hit 39° in the shade and a boggling 51° on the terrace. That's 123°F in old money so to speak.
The cat doesn't know what to do with herself and as you can see she tries to find the coolest place to sleep that she can. This was just after i had watered the flowers in the pot she just climbed in made herself comfortable and within seconds was fast asleep!
The garden is going mad, the courgettes are being extremely prolific, 4 plants have given us kilo's of the things so it is courgette soup, baked, stuffed and made into pickle and still we have a load left. Anybody know any good recipes for courgettes? the melons are growing well and the cucumbers are producing in moderate numbers, raspberries are coming to fruit and the butternut squash is loaded with flowers. Beetroot was nice and at last the tomatoes are going red. Disasters; the runner beans have produced a huge number of flowers but no beans...something is munching the flowers and the Fennel has been completely stripped by the caterpillar of the swallowtail butterfly. The broccoli started to flower and then went bannanas and bolted overnight so it seemed. All in all though i think for our first year as virgin gardeners not too bad. Now, what can i do with this next lot of courgettes?