Today was a funny sort of day, last night i was out with the band again and got back in gone mid-night and today was back out with them again. The contrast between the two events could not have been greater. Last night was a Bodega, lots of eating and drinking and dancing today however wasn't.
Today was all about what happened during the second world war. We were playing at a monument which commemorated 564 Jews that were taken from the town by the Gestapo and put on trains to Auschwitz and Buchenwald. They never came home. That is 564 people ranging from babies to 80 years old just gone, only their names remain on a granite memorial and on this day every year since the end of the war they have been remembered by the town.
These people died because of who they were and what they believed, makes you think a bit doesn't it?
We then went to a smaller monument, this time in memory of three brothers executed by the germans for being members of the resistance. The youngest was 17, the oldest 22.
Makes you think doesn't it?
Today was all about what happened during the second world war. We were playing at a monument which commemorated 564 Jews that were taken from the town by the Gestapo and put on trains to Auschwitz and Buchenwald. They never came home. That is 564 people ranging from babies to 80 years old just gone, only their names remain on a granite memorial and on this day every year since the end of the war they have been remembered by the town.
These people died because of who they were and what they believed, makes you think a bit doesn't it?
We then went to a smaller monument, this time in memory of three brothers executed by the germans for being members of the resistance. The youngest was 17, the oldest 22.
Makes you think doesn't it?