Tumbling Disaster

It is enough to make you cry, we have managed to save some of the tomatoes but are not sure if they will produce any more fruit, the beans are beyond hope of salvation i think. Somehow though the courgettes survived, tough little blighters that they are. I suppose this is what happens when you live up in the mountains. On the plus front luscious was able to pick up nearly 20kg of plums which had been blown of the trees so we are now in full scale production of plum jam, plum crumble, plum wine, plum scnapps and finally plum brandy...can't let them go to waste now can we?
On the house front, the plastering is all done in the second bedroom and i am now starting to make the shelving from reclaimed chestnut floorboards so once they are done and fixed i just have to clean up the floor and wax it to within an inch of my life make the doors and hey presto another room finished and awaiting guests to appreciate it.
So.. off to check the walnut wine which should just about be ready for bottling and then to start cutting the shelving....cheers