As i tentatively peer over the parapet into the real world again i feel much better. The pills & potions from le medicin seem to have done the trick. However, i seem to have been transported into another season! last Saturday it was 18° and very hot as i was playing lumberjacks with luscious and we cut down 6 trees. The chainsaw threw a wobbly and refused to cut them into log size pieces so we had to sort of balance them on the trailer and get them up to the house. They are about 10' lengths, it was bloody hard work and we were both knackered at the end of it. I have now sharpened the chain on the saw and it sort of cut the wood into logs yesterday, at least some of it that is. In the meantime winter appears to have arrived with a vengeance, the temperature fell to -5° tuesday night and we awoke to find ourselves snowed in by about a metre of snow. The farmer has very kindly been up with the tractor and cleared our road for us right down to the barn where the car is parked. That was good of him wasn't it? Managed to get out today as sun shining but road is still a bit iffy, a friend about 5km away can't get out as the hill is to steep for his car and it is very icy so we are going to rescue him this afternoon. Missy willow the older cat had to go to the vets, she has a type of cat flu and is not feeling to well, she now has antibiotics to take and had a jab of something or other at the vets + a thermometer shoved up her bum!! I am extremely glad that i am not a cat... Off to prepare for rescue..cheers......sun now out and the solar system has kicked in, but still -1°.....taaa raaaa